This year, the All School Board invested some capital into giving our little school a face lift. About the project, spearheaded by our Vice Chair, Rachel (also an artist and Pre-3’s mom) wrote the following:
“We have an amazing opportunity to paint all the walls, update lighting, furniture, the book nook, and the parent education room. With inspiration from our very own Pacific Northwest, each room will have a theme of land, sea, mountain, city, or sky.
The Community at Sandhurst Co-op is filled with warmth and light and love. The amount of energy and joy our teachers and parent educators pour into our children and us parents is inspiring. I feel so blessed by my relationships and time spent in our beloved school. As an artist, I believe physical spaces should match how we feel in them. They should inspire us. brighten our day, and have purpose. It is time we give a little of the love we feel in Sandhurst Co-op to the actual walls with some very needed new paint. And yes, that includes the mural in the hall from 1972.”

Katie, our School Board Chair, and Rachel did an incredible amount of prep-work: moving furniture, washing walls, and taping. Many Sandhurst parents came to volunteer to paint various rooms, and Katie and Rachel put in countless hours of their personal time.

Rachel painted a beautiful mural of an underwater scene in the bathroom hallway. It’s a daily occurrence for the children to comment on the animals on their way to wash hands. We all, adults and children alike, are enjoying the benefits of our newly rejuvenated space!

We still have some work to do. The kitchen, block room, and hallway are yet unfinished, as are certain pieces of furniture and doors that need to be given a fresh coat of paint. Each class will work in the upcoming months to see that these last tasks are completed.
We should be very proud of the work that has been accomplished and we should all give a very heartfelt THANK YOU to Rachel and Katie for truly making this happen. We are so lucky to have your leadership and dedication!