by Christy (pre-3 parent)

In our family, clay handprints have become a holiday tradition. For me, this time of year is a reminder of how small our children are, and that next year they may not seem quite as little. While this project takes time to dry and create, it is very simple and so worth it to see those sweet handprints forever! These easy handprints are perfect for celebrating the end of a year.
Christy Dec pic
Baking Soda Clay Handprints
Original recipe from
CBC Parents

1) Measure 1 cup of baking soda, 1/2 a cup of cornstarch, and 2/3 cup of water into a saucepan and cook it over medium heat, stirring constantly. The mixture will come together in a lump and its texture will resemble mashed potatoes. At that point, remove the dough from the heat right away as overcooking it will dry it out and make your ornaments more likely to crack. After allowing it to cool for a few minutes, turn the dough out onto the table and knead it a bit to make it super soft and smooth. (Or…if you’re feeling exhausted, you can buy the premade packages)

2) On a sheet of wax paper or parchment paper, roll out a small ball of dough to be about ½ inch thick. You want the circle to be wide enough for your child’s hand. Using a small bowl or other object that is the right size, cut out a circle in the dough.

3) Help your child center his hand on the clay and press it down firmly. The handprint should be nice and easy to see. If the print doesn’t work out as well as you want it to on the first try, you can always try again. If needed, wet your hand a little bit before rolling your next ball to give the clay some extra moisture.

4) Use a straw to create the two holes for hanging

5) Let your handprints dry for about 24 hours, or put them in the oven at 170 degrees for about 45 minutes.

6) When your handprints are dry, paint the non-handprinted area with regular white glue. Sprinkle on some glitter and shake off the excess.

7) I like to spray them with a sealant fix spray when it’s finished so the glitter doesn’t come off.

8) Thread some colored ribbon through the holes and hang!