by Steven, Pre-3’s parent

As a child I remember Christmas as being a joyous and peaceful time, and while I am definitely enjoying this Christmas it has not been as quiet or peaceful as the Christmases I remember.

Nonstop is the word I would us to describe the holidays with two young children.

As a child I remember the tree, the lights, and maybe a quick drive through candy cane lane with some Christmas music playing softly in the background. This year we have done the lights the tree, the Santa pictures and the quick drive through Candy Cane Lane, but unbeknownst to me, this was only the beginning. This year in addition to the aforementioned activities we have also done a variety of Christmas activities for our children and with friends in order to maximize the potential Christmasiness for the year. Growing up I remember listening to the same small number of 8 track and cassette tapes that contained Christmas music  over and over again every Christmas. This Christmas I have streamed a variety of personalized Christmas stations to my stereo from my cellphone. This has enabled me to listen to Christmas music without cringing in agony and also given my children a much wider exposure to the Christmas genre.

Before I met my wife I had no idea how many Christmas activities there are to do. We have been to two white elephant parties. Taken the light rail and monorail to see toy trains at the Seattle Center and giant gingerbread houses at the downtown Sheraton.  We have seen ZOO Lights at the Woodland Park Zoo (highly recommended) and a Christmas Parade in downtown Bellevue called Snowflake Lane.

It makes me wonder how I also find time to work, buy Christmas presents and help take care of my two children. It’s been a nonstop Christmas but really worth your time with family. Hopefully you will get some time to do one or all of these fun activities we have done.